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How to Maintain a Grease Trap

If you have a grease trap at home or in your commercial kitchen you know how frustrating and costly it is when it gets blocked or requires too frequent pump outs. Here are a few tips to keep your grease trap operating smoothly, efficiently and without any extra costs.

Avoid pouring used oil and food waste down the drain

Even though the purpose of your grease trap is to capture grease and fat before they enter the wastewater system, you shouldn’t treat your grease trap like a waste disposal unit. If you throw fat, oil, grease or food waste into your drains they will be captured by your grease trap, but doing so means your grease trap will fill up faster than it should – and you’ll be paying for more pump outs than you need to.

Throw all food waste into the garbage bin and let your grease trap catch the little bits that accidentally go down the drain.

Install strainers in your kitchen sinks

Even if you’re careful not to throw food waste down your drains, accidents do happen. Having a strainer in your kitchen sink will capture food waste so that you can easily throw it away in the garbage bin. They’re easy to install and will help you save in the long run.

Extend your grease trap’s capacity with specialised treatment

Instead of installing a larger grease trap, you can use a treatment product like GT Plus to allow your grease trap to digest waste instead of just capturing it. Enabling your grease trap to break down the waste it captures means that it can effectively trap more waste and you won’t have to pump out as often.

EcoCare GT Plus contains specialty microorganisms that are highly-effective at breaking down fats, oils and grease. All you have to do is pour GT Plus down a drain leading to your grease trap and they will immediately begin digesting trapped waste.

Adhere to your grease trap’s servicing requirements

Based on your grease trap, the state you’re in and whether it’s residential or commercial, you will have servicing requirements that you need to follow. Missing your service intervals can place unnecessary strain on your grease trap and can incur fines.

To find out more about how we can improve the performance of your grease trap, please get in touch with us. Here are what some of our happy, long-term customers are saying.

I didn’t have any problems with my septic tank, but the GREASETRAP in the old house in which I am living was getting smellier and smellier… When the smell became unacceptable I took the plunge and – insisting on an environmentally friendly product – I decided to try EcoCare. Initially it did not seem to work, over several months I used up the whole container following the instructions to the letter… seemingly to no avail… I suddenly realised when the washing up water from the kitchen sink went down the drain, that the greasetrap smell was almost completely gone! Silent but deadly EcoCare had gone to work on what was a very longstanding problem and it even did the job without me having the greasetrap emptied before starting the treatment.

Anna-Marijke McGough

I love it, I clean everything with it. We have been using it for 11 years and only pumped out once, we where told it was so healthy.

Michelle Wright

Provides the result that we hope for quickly and easily. No mess, no fuss, no smell, in fact the smell from our grease trap disappears. Our system has not been pumped out a decade or more.

Larry Greetham