We’re very proud of our products, how effective they are and how consistently we’re able to solve wastewater problems.
Tracking our successes, and more importantly the situations in which our products didn’t work, has impoved our diagnosis process. We can accurately prescribe our products and dosage rates or identify a case in which another approach may be more effective.

EcoCare Activator – 95% Success Rate
For Septic Odours, Septic Blockages, Poor Performance
Over the last three years, EcoCare Activator has successfully resolved odours, blockages and poor performance issues in 95% of the wastewater system cases we’ve handled.
Let us diagnose your system and recommend a solution.

LD Kit – 80% Success Rate
For Leach Drain Blockages
Over the last three years, the Leach Drain Kit has successfully restored 80% of the failing leach drain cases we’ve handled. That’s 4 in 5 leach drains which have been restored, saving customers thousands in repairs.
If we don’t think this will work for your situation, we won’t prescribe it.