The first sign that there’s a problem with your wastewater system is the smell. Whether you have a septic system or an AWTS, the underlying cause of smells and blockages is that your system doesn’t have enough bacteria to effectively digest waste. This is a biological problem which requires a biological solution.
If you don’t solve your biological problem, it can turn into a physical problem like a broken tank or a cracked drainage pipe. Physical problems are much more expensive to fix than biological problems because they require repairs or replacements so the sooner you act, the less it costs.
What causes septic smells?
When you’re getting a bad smell coming from your septic system, it’s coming from undigested waste sitting in your tank. The bacteria in your system aren’t able to digest the waste effectively, smells develop, they build up and start reaching you.
With high populations of beneficial bacteria, waste is digested efficiently and smells aren’t given the chance to develop. All wastewater systems rely on biological processes to treat wastewater, and when problems develop their underlying cause is almost always biological.
What happens if smells aren’t dealt with?
If septic smells are left unresolved, the problem compounds itself. As more waste is left undigested, blockages develop and in many cases the problem goes from being biological to being physical. As impressive as today’s biological additives and specialty bacteria are, they can’t fix a broken tank or a cracked pipe.
Physical problems are much more expensive to fix than biological problems and you should avoid letting things get to that point.
How to deal with smells
Septic smells used to be a mystery, but are now an easy fix. If used properly, biological stimulant based additives will trap smells and then solve the underlying problem. By allowing beneficial bacteria to rapidly repopulate and restore balance to your septic system, your smells will disappear and peak performance will be restored.
EcoCare Activator is a biological stimulant based additive which consists of select nutrients, minerals and amino acids which improve biological conditions, overcome the damage caused by everyday household chemicals and allow bacteria to maintain healthy populations.
What makes our products better?
Most septic, AWTS or greywater treatment products add bacteria or enzymes to make up for low bacteria populations. While we do provide specialty bacteria, we know that the underlying cause of most wastewater issues is poor biological conditions within the system that kill the bacteria necessary for waste breakdown.
EcoCare’s Biological Stimulant Technology allows septic systems to operate at peak performance and minimises the need for pump outs and expensive repairs.
How do the products work?
EcoCare products fix septic smells by attacking the problem from two fronts. Firstly, EcoCare Activator creates the optimal biological conditions for beneficial bacteria to thrive. Secondly, we introduce specialty bacteria which are designed to digest biological waste.
By creating the most favourable conditions for the bacteria, then ensuring your have the right types of bacteria – your smells will disappear and your system will perform like new.